Root Music

I had such a wonderful time performing at Earth Arts Center last weekend as a part of An Evening of Healing organized by Wandering Roots. It was so incredible to be able to share my full collection of healing and moon music for the first time in such a magical setting with a beautiful group of humans! Thank you to Wandering Roots for organizing, Earth Arts for having us, my wonderful partner Zack Brady for accompanying me, and to everyone who came out for for the event!

This music was made for you, and your hearts and voices carried it out into the cosmos and beyond! When we sing in community, our intentions become magnified, and we are able to call in beautiful healing and abundance into our lives- both for ourselves, and for the world at large.

Whether you were here for this performance, or you've joined me in song at one of our many moon circles at Root Mamma- thank you. Thank you for being vulnerable, for lifting your voice up to the sky, and for trusting me to lead you in sonic ceremony.

And trust me, there will be more where this came from. With each moon and each change of season and each new bit of healing and knowledge that I manage to gain, inspiration comes. There is endless material to work with.

Lastly, I know many of you have asked me about having recordings of these songs made available. The answer is, yes! This will happen. Have some patience, my dears, and you shall be rewarded <3

In the meantime, check out the video clips below (recorded by the lovely Derek Rusinek- thank you!!), and join me for the next moon circle, open mic, or kirtan at Root Mamma for more where this came from!

Love, Sarah Rayne

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