Taurus Season Blessings

Happy Earth Day! Happy Taurus Season! Today we have our New Moon in Taurus, which is exact at 7:26pm PT this evening :-)

I wanted to share some of my reflections on this season, intuitive insights, as well as a few simple body-based practices that can be done anytime this week, or over the coming weeks.

Taurus is an earth sign, and is a sign of the bull. As such, Taurus is associated with a strong, steady, big, and at times stubborn energy. Taurus rules all aspects of the physical realm and physical sensations. Our bodies, the earth and all things living and growing on it, and the physical sensations of being in a body. What we eat, drink, and otherwise take into our bodies. Pleasure, sensuality, chocolate, wine, flowers, soft fabrics, and a cozy home. Sleeping in. Creature comforts.

The sun moved into Taurus on Monday and you may have felt that energetic shift. For the past month we had been in Aries season, which is a BIG, fiery, active energy, while being confined to our homes. There was a lot of tension and friction inherent in just existing. Taurus is much, much more comfortable being at home. Overall I've felt a collective sense of settling in this week. Being present with our reality, having become comfortable with our "new normal" (for now), and moving with as much ease as possible within the confines of our new collective reality.

Are there ways in which you are enjoying the pleasures of being home, and of slowness? Are there things you've found time for that you were never able to prioritize in our fast-paced life of the past? Have you been eating more healthily, or more enjoyably? Cooking more? Experimenting? Creating? Have you found more sensuality with yourself, or with your partner? Danced more? Rested more?

At this time we are being invited to tap into the slower and steadier pace of Taurus season, and of our collective social distancing. At this slower pace, we naturally have more  s p a c e. To breathe, to live, to heal, to dream, to experience, to be present with. What can you notice within the space that has been made? Can you find gratitude for simple pleasures? For the abundance that you have been blessed with- whatever that may look like? Perhaps it's as simple as eating a slice of homemade bread decadently slathered with butter, feeling held and cozy under your blankets, watching the way the sun dapples through the window, cuddling your cat, or listening to a really good podcast.

Something that I've been thinking a lot about lately are my own resources. I've been considering what resources mean to me, and what form they take. On a personal note, I have been out of work for more than a month and don't have a lot of "money" in the "bank". However, I do have a warm, beautiful, and safe home, a loving and supportive partner who will never let me suffer, and am blessed to live in the great state of Oregon that has wonderful public assistance programs. I have a network of friends and family who think the world of me, and are always available to talk, should I need them. There is a beautiful marshland canyon that I can go on walks in, just a few blocks down the road.

Another, less tangible resource, is all of my many life experiences. My degree in photography, my experience working in fine dining restaurants, my many iterations of being a performer, whether that was in one of the bands of my 20's or acting in my youth. And of course, any of the ways in which I have held space for others, whether that be leading sacred circles, being an emcee, or managing events. An even deeper resource is my own creativity and sense of taste. An even deeper resource still is my sense of resilience, and commitment to continue working to become the person I want to be, and healing my own trauma, no matter how difficult the journey, and how many bumps and setbacks I encounter along the path.

When I think of all of my resources in this way, I do not feel impoverished. I feel rich and abundant and blessed and full of life. I invite you to consider, if you'd like, what resources are available to you? What form do they take? How has your life experience prepared you for this moment? How can you draw on everything available to you to weather these challenges with strength and grace?

Lastly, how can you honor mother earth, and remain connected to her in spite of it all? For she is our greatest collective resource, and it is up to us to do everything that we can to ensure that she can survive, because without her, none of us will.

Below, there is a simple practice that can be done tonight, this Taurus season, or any time. May you all have a blessed New Moon, and honor yourselves and the earth with as much reverence and love as possible.

All My Love,


New Moon in Taurus Practice

For this practice, more than anything, I invite you take some time to intentionally slow down, and re-calibrate your body to the natural vibration of the Earth. The earth has her own pace, her own breath, and it is much slower than the fast-paced vibrations that most humans with active minds and busy schedules are used to. It is an ebb and flow, like the ocean coming in and then receding again. At its own pace, as it has always done, rushed by no one.

The second goal of this practice is to become fully present with the fullness of the experience of yourself in your body. To honor your body, to observe, feel, and love the sacred animal that you are.

I have a few suggestions of how to carry this out, and I welcome you to modify or invent your own, if something else calls to you. Please, take your time, and ENJOY!

1. If you have safe access to a park or natural area, find a secluded spot that feels right. It could be a grassy field, or a spot in the woods. Then, simply lay down directly on the ground on your back, or sit with your legs in front of you. You can put a blanket down first, or just embrace the dirt! Then, simply be here with yourself. Allow yourself to breath. Allow yourself to notice the sensations that you feel in the parts of your body that are touching the earth. You can say a prayer or a blessing for mother earth if that feels right to you. More than anything, just allow yourself to stay here, and try to be as present as possible with your body. After a while, you may notice your breath begin to soften, you may even notice your own vibration slow, your thoughts quiet some. Allow yourself to receive the healing vibrations of the earth, and allow yourself to naturally match pace with her. When you feel this is complete, give gratitude to mother earth and to this sacred spot that held you.

2. While laying down or relaxing, touch every single part of your body with loving touch, slowly. This is not meant to be sexual in any way (though it can be), but is meant as an honoring ritual. This can look like simply laying a warm hand on every part of your body, and telling that part "I love you, you are safe, I will take care of you". You can give yourself Reiki if that is part of your practice. Or, you could massage your whole body with your favorite oil or lotion. This can also be a lovely time to work with crystals or other stones. Lay them on your body as feels right to you, and notice the physical and energetic sensations you feel.

3. Take a bath with lots of sea salt or epsom salt, leaves, herbs, or flowers, and/or crystals. Let it be messy. Let it be wild. Feel yourself as part of the beautiful mess of our natural world and universe. Feel the ebb and flow of your own being in connection to the global ebb and flow. Allow your breath to be slow, and connect to the natural vibration of the earth. You can also incorporate practice #2 here if you'd like.


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