A New Year's Blessing

A New Year’s Blessing

Feel free to use the below incantation / blessing in and around any new year’s rituals, ceremonies, or spells you may be doing for yourself, or just on its own.

You may recite this aloud, to bless yourself, and open to the all potential & magic that is possible in 2022. You may work with any / none of the suggested magical actions & spell ingredients below, or just follow your own intuition & heart! You can use this spell in group work by changing all the “I”s to “we”s.

Optional magical actions to accompany this incantation: cleansing with smoke, water, and/or sea salt, taking a ritual bath, lighting a candle, writing a letter of forgiveness to yourself and others & burning it, cleansing + protecting your home’s energy, discarding no-longer-love possessions, jumping in the ocean, new year’s tarot reading, intention setting.

Optional spell ingredients: selenite, labradorite, black tourmaline, carnelian, lemon balm, mint, oranges, pine, sparkling wine or water, a fresh white, yellow, or pink candle, a tarot or oracle deck that makes your heart sing

The incantation is below <3


May I shed old skins like a snake

May I unravel the knots & gnarled vines that have been keeping me stuck in the stories of my self-imposed limitations

May I invite in forgiveness, like a friend, to saturate every cell & fiber of me

To soften + heal the hurts that I hold

To invite compassion into my intimate relationships, and my vision of myself

May I step into this new day, new year, new world

Embodying every ounce of my power, fearlessly

Held in community

Held by my own self

May I love freely & truly

May I dedicate my precious energy to that which matters most to me

May I experience joy, pleasure, delight, surprise, wonder

May I keep my eyes open & find inspiration + kinship in every flower I pass

May I receive the lessons + medicine that are meant for me, and grow all the more wise + resilient from it

May I be open to all of my dreams coming true, and life becoming even better, more expansive, abundant, & fulfilling than I ever could have imagined.

& so it shall be.

Sarah RayneComment