How can Reiki help you?

Do you know that feeling of waking up from a nap, feeling totally refreshed in your mind, and like the fog that you previously were carrying has lifted? Or that feeling when you drink a freshly pressed juice, and you can feel every cell in your body lighting up in delight, absorbing all of the yummy vitamins & antioxidants? How about that deeply warmed & comforted feeling after an extra-long hug or a cozy cuddle with a dear one?

These are some of the ways that I feel after I give myself Reiki energy healing self-treatments.

Before I took Reiki Level 1, I didn't realize that Reiki was something that one could do for oneself. It can be hard to imagine learning and working with tools to actually help heal and comfort yourself - especially when your anxieties & stresses of the day-to-day feel bigger than you can handle. When I began working with Reiki, I was amazed at how simple it was. After becoming attuned, you are connected to this beautiful healing energy for life. All you need is your hands, your body, and some time & space dedicated to yourself. (that last part can be tricky, of course!)

Reiki has been a dear friend and an ally for me. Reiki has been a mystical inspiration. Reiki has – undoubtedly – changed my life. Reiki has helped me to heal my spirit, comfort myself in times of big emotion & overwhelm, and find physical relief from some of the aches and pains in my body. Reiki has helped me connect to spirit / source / the divine. Reiki has also absolutely enhanced my magic.

Of course, Reiki can't do all of this on its own. Like any tool or collaborator, its efficacy is dependent on how you work with it. How you show up for yourself. Your intention, your presence, and your follow-through. How much you are willing to change, adapt, or re-write your story, in order to cultivate the life you desire in your heart of hearts. Reiki will absolutely give you a boost (and, in some cases, an a$$-kicking!), but ultimately, you have to be willing to show up and do the work.

Reiki has also allowed me to help lots and lots of people – a gift I am eternally grateful for. After a certain national election in 2016 made me feel scared & overwhelmed, I decided it was more important than ever to help people, and contribute to creating a more healed and loving world. That's when I decided to take Reiki Level 2, before continuing to study and completing my mastership training in 2018.

You can receive the benefits of Reiki from working with a Reiki practitioner, or by becoming attuned to Reiki, yourself! If you're feeling called to learn Reiki, you would begin with taking a Reiki Level 1 training, which we offer here in Portland, OR.

For our dear Portlanders – If any of the above resonated for you, made you feel curious, or confirmed some energetic inclinations you were already feeling, you are most welcome to join us for our May 14th & 15th Reiki Level 1 Training, next weekend at Earth Space. In this weekend training, you learn the history of Reiki, how to work with this beautiful energy to heal yourself as well as friends & family, and receive a private Reiki Level 1 attunement. Sign up soon to secure your spot! Affordable 3-month payment plans are also available.

For our worldwide Firebirders – We would be so happy to share Reiki healing energy with you in a private session! One of the magical things about Reiki is that it can be sent through space & time, so you don't have to live in Portland in order to receive a session. We offer lovely Reiki Healing sessions over zoom, and some even incorporate tarot readings, and/or sound healing! You can read more about these sessions here, or book here.

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